This answer depends on a few factors such as the type of braces worn.

For Invisalign® brand clear braces, the length of treatment depends on how many aligners you will need, which is to be determined by your orthodontists. You will wear the set of aligners for typically 2 weeks before a new one is swapped out – aiding in bringing your teeth closer and closer together. We've seen some patients completed in as few as 6 months, where others have gone over a year. It's case by case.

The same applies to traditional metal braces, which often exceed 1 year (usually 18 months – 3 months) in length due to the simple fact that metal braces work very well for teeth that are moderately to severely crooked. Keep in mind; braces are typically worn for a while even AFTER your teeth appear fully straightened in order to help stabilize them into their new position. Invisalign® braces take less time on average than metal braces.

After braces treatment, retainers will be required in order to keep your results in place and prevent your teeth from naturally returning to their original crooked position pre-orthodontics.

Our Los Angeles & Lomita orthodontists will discuss these questions in more detail specific to your needs and the composition of your teeth and gums.